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In the name of ALLAH the Beneficent and most Merciful



Article I



This entity, the Islamic Center of Rolla Missouri, hereafter called ICRM, is a non-profit, Islamic charitable and religious organization.


Article II



This organization is strictly guided by Islamic principles according to the Qur’an and the Sunna (the practice of the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), consisting of what he said, did, recommended, or approved of in others) and to serve the best interests of Islam and Muslims.


Article III



The ultimate goal of the ICRM is to ensure that the Word of Allah (s.w.t.) is the supreme and the single absolute governing factor over our daily lives. Towards achieving that goal, ICRM shall:

A. Enable the Muslim Community to carry out the following Islamic activities in the pursuit of Islam as a complete way of life:

i.Conduct the five daily prayers (Salat).

ii. Observe congregational Islamic festivals at appropriate times.

iii. Strengthen fraternal bonds and relations among Muslims.

iv.Conduct seminars and study circles (halaqaat) to enhance the knowledge of Islam.

v. Maintain an active charity program. vi. Strive to make the ICRM as an anchor in the lives of Muslims in Rolla and surrounding communities.

B. Provide a platform to foster Islamic values and educate the Muslim children to ensure a new generation of practicing Muslims.

C. Engender cordial relations between Muslims and people of other faiths to promote a true understanding of Islam. ICRM welcomes followers of other faiths to participate in its educational and social activities.

D. Maintain cooperation with local, regional and national Muslim organizations.

E. Establish and maintain an endowment (Waqf) to ensure the financial sustainability of the ICRM.

F. Publicly represent Islam and Muslims in the region.

G. Establish and sustain a vibrant Da'wah program (propagation of Islam).

H. Adopt policies and exercise any and all powers which are lawful for the ICRM to adopt and execute to accomplish its purpose.



Article IV



Section 1: Location

The principle office shall be located in the city of Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri. The ICRM may have other offices either within or outside the State of Missouri as the Shura Council may determine, as the affairs of the ICRM may require from time to time.


Section 2: Address

The registered address of the ICRM is: ISLAMIC CENTER OF ROLLA MISSOURI 1302 N Elm Street Rolla, Missouri 65401 And/or any other address as designated by the Shura Council.


Section 3: Representative

 The registered agent(s) of the ICRM, if needed, shall be appointed by the Shura Council.


Article V


Section 1: Association

The ICRM shall strive to establish long-term connections with national Muslim organizations including The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) of the United States and Canada, etc.


Section 2: Cooperation

The ICRM shall work in close association with the Muslim Student Association at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T), to fulfill the needs of the Muslim students, and promote da’wah efforts on campus. ICRM will also cooperate with other Muslim communities in Missouri and surrounding areas.


Section 3: Real Estate

Real estate purchased or donated to the ICRM shall be entrusted with the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).


Section 4: Religious Events

The ICRM will follow the established ISNA position regarding the timing of religious events to preserve the unity of the Rolla Muslim Community and the Muslim Ummah.


Article VI



Any Muslim is eligible to participate in the activities of the ICRM if they fully observe its rules and regulations.


Section 1: General Membership

A. Any Muslim who resides in the area and complies with the ICRM constitution and By-Laws, shall be considered a general member.

B. The general member does not have the right to vote or be elected for any office of the ICRM.

C. He/She does not have to pay any membership dues.


Section 2: Registered Membership

Any Muslim above 18 years of age, who complies with the ICRM Constitution and By-Laws and has paid his /her membership fees, is eligible for registered membership. Only registered members have the right to vote and hold offices at ICRM, within the Executive Committee and Shura Council.


Section 3: Suspension of Membership

Any member of the ICRM who is involved in such activities which may harm or bring disrepute to the ICRM and/or Islam, his/her membership may be suspended or cancelled according to the procedure stated in the By-Laws.


Article VII



Section 1: Members

The General Assembly shall consist of registered members of ICRM.


Section 2: Policies

 The General Assembly shall ratify and/or amend the policies and make-up of the Shura Council and the Executive Committee via procedures detailed in the Bylaws.


Article VIII



Section 1: Objective

The Shura Council is the main governing body of the ICRM, responsible for safeguarding ICRM’s tangible and intangible assets and furthering its mission as per this constitution. The Shura Council will develop overall policies and strategic directions that will subsequently be implemented in conjunction with the ICRM Executive Committee.


Section 2: Composition

A. The Shura Council will be composed of seven registered members, headed by a Chairman elected by and from amongst the Shura Council members.

B. The Shura Council will nominate members from amongst those who have longterm established connections to the ICRM, including prior office-bearers of the 5 ICRM Executive Committee, members active in the fund-raising and construction efforts of the new ICRM building, and other respected members in the Rolla community.

C. These nominated members will be approved by the General Assembly.


Section 3: Operational Relationship between the Shura Council and Executive Committee

 The Shura Council is the supervisory body which retains administrative control for all activities and initiatives of the ICRM. It will develop selection criteria and conduct elections for the officers of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will be tasked with conducting the day-to-day activities of the ICRM as detailed in the by-laws.


Article IX



Section 1: Officers and Responsibilities

A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the registered members listed below:

i.President ii. Secretary

ii.IT coordinator

iii.. Property Manager

iv. Treasurer

v.Da'wah Coordinator

vi.Women's Activities Coordinator

vii.Social Activities Coordinator

viii.Education and Community Development Coordinator

B. The Executive Committee shall:

i.Protect the interests of the ICRM

ii. Supervise the day to day operation and maintain the ICRM buildings

iii.Execute the plans, policies and activities of the ICRM iv. Report to the Shura Council 


Article X



Section 1: Financing

A. The ICRM shall be financed by membership dues, endowments, contributions, donations, and other sources consistent with Islamic principles and approved by the Shura Council.

B. Membership dues shall be collected annually by the ICRM.

C. The finances of the ICRM shall be budgeted by the Executive Committee and approved for the fiscal year by the Shura Council as set forth in the By-Laws.

D. All accounts of the ICRM shall be audited by an audit committee as set forth in the by-laws.

E. No part of the income or property of ICRM shall incur to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, directors, officers, or other private persons. The Shura Council may designate payments for people rendering specific services to the ICRM.


Article XI



A. conflict of interest may be actual, perceived, or potential. The same is true for any action or advice (to individual member or the Shura Council/Executive Committee).

 B. All ICRM officers shall declare a conflict of interest in matters that they (or members of their families or business entities in which they may have an interest) stand to benefit either directly or indirectly by decisions of the Shura Council or ICRM Executive Committee, collectively or individually.

 C. Members should recuse themselves from discussions in which a conflict of interest may jeopardize one’s ability to carry out responsibilities as a member of the Board. D. No member shall accept favors or financial benefits from any individuals, organizations, or entities known to be seeking business contracts with ICRM.


Article XII



Section 1:

 Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Shura Council, by any registered member, not less than sixty days prior to the General Assembly meetings.


Section 2:

The Shura Council after approving the proposed amendment by a majority shall present it to the General Assembly during the next meeting provided that the proposed amendments have been announced publicly at least two weeks in advance.


 Section 3:

 All amendments shall require the approval by at least two-thirds of the registered members in attendance


Section 4:

Article II of this constitution (i.e., Basic Principles) shall not be amended in any way.


Article XIII



If a situation arises which makes the dissolution of ICRM inevitable, the Shura Council, after the approval of the General Assembly, shall call upon ISNA to handle the process of dissolution with the assistance of the Shura members. Any assets left after paying all the liabilities of ICRM shall be transferred to the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).ISLAMIC CENTER OF ROLLA MISSOURI




Article I



Section 1: Time and Place of Meetings

A. The General Assembly shall meet at least twice a year in September and March.

B. The place and the exact time shall be decided by the Shura Council of the ICRM.


Section 2: Special Meetings

A. A special meeting of the General Assembly may be called by a request signed by at least 50% of the registered members.

B. A special meeting may also be called by the Shura Council in consultation with the ICRM Executive Committee.


 Section 3: Notice of Meeting and Quorum

A. The Shura Council is responsible for notifying the registered members with the agenda of regular or special meetings (once criteria in Section 2 above have been met) at least two weeks before these meetings.

B. The quorum of the General Assembly shall be more than 50% of the registered members of the ICRM.

C. In case the quorum was not achieved in the first called meeting, a second meeting shall be called within a week and any number of attendees shall constitute a quorum unless a higher percentage is required by the Constitution and/or By—Laws.


Section 4: Language

All meetings shall be conducted in the English language.


Article II



Section 1: Composition

A. The Shura Council will be composed of seven registered members, headed by a Chairman who will be elected by the Shura members.

B. The Shura Council will have registered members who have long-term established connections to the ICRM, including prior office-bearers of the ICRM Executive Committee, registered members active in the fund-raising and construction efforts of the new ICRM building, and other respected members in the Rolla community.

C. The Shura Council members will be nominated from amongst the registered members, who will then be approved by the General Assembly.


Section 2: Tenure

The initial tenure for Shura Council members will be for 2 years and these members cannot be nominated for not more than 2 consecutive terms. The General Assembly may approve an extension for one or more members of the Shura Council, if other qualified members are unavailable.


Section 3: Replacement

A. In case of a resignation, or membership termination of a Shura member, the remaining Shura Council members shall nominate and elect any registered member of the ICRM that it deems suitable. This acting member shall serve until the completion of the original tenure

B. Upon completion of Shura Council member’s tenure, a new member will be nominated by a majority of the remaining Shura Council from amongst the registered members of the ICRM. This nomination shall be presented to the General Assembly for ratification.


 Section 4: Termination/Suspension

A. Any member of the Shura Council can be terminated from office by 2/3rd vote of the remaining council members at any of their meetings by a secret ballot, if charges of a direct violation of the Constitution or gross misuse 10 or misappropriation of funds or obvious damage to the existence or interest of the ICRM by the actions of the individual council member are proven to be true to the satisfaction of the remaining council members.

B. A member failing to attend three consecutive duly convened meetings of the Shura Council, unless specifically allowed to do so by the Chairman, shall be deemed to have resigned from the council. Such a member would be eligible for reconsideration as a member of the Council.


Section 5: Responsibilities

A. The Shura Council will nominate members of the ICRM Executive Committee, who will be approved by the General Assembly, as detailed in the Executive Committee election procedures.

B. Approve guidelines for the Executive Committee and resolve issues referred to it by the Executive Committee

C. Conduct Shura Council Meetings monthly, the frequency of these meetings may be changed by the Chairman as dictated by the needs of the ICRM. These meetings will be attended by the President of the Executive Committee, or his/her designee (in his/her absence) or other members of the Executive Committee if so requested by the Shura Council or the Executive Committee President. A quorum of two-thirds of the Shura Council members is required.

D. Approve the annual budget proposal and annual report submitted by the ICRM Executive committee. The Shura Council will present an annual report incorporating the above, including its strategic vision to the General Assembly meeting.

E. The Shura Council will develop a strategic vision for new ICRM initiatives that will be incorporated and implemented in co-operation with the ICRM Executive Committee.

F. Resolve conflicts within the ICRM Executive Committee, and amongst other members. The Shura Council’s decision in these matters will be final

G. Propose amendments to the ICRM Constitution, and submit for approval to the General Assembly11


Article III



 Section 1: Relationship between the Shura Council and the Executive Committee

A. The Shura Council is the supervisory body which retains administrative control for all activities and initiatives of the ICRM. The Executive Committee will be tasked with conducting the day-to-day activities of the ICRM. The Executive Committee members will perform their entrusted tasks autonomously, reporting to the President.

B. Concerns about the day-to-day functioning of the ICRM noted by the Shura Council members will be brought to the attention of the Chairman who will communicate these to the President and related members of the Executive Committee. Similarly, Executive Committee members will bring any issues pertaining to the Shura Council to the attention of their President who will communicate directly with the Chairman of the Shura Council. Clear channels of communication between these two bodies are essential for the coherent functioning of ICRM.


Section 2: Positions

A. The officers of the ICRM shall be the President, the IT Coordinator, Secretary, the Property Manager, Treasurer, the Da’wah Coordinator, the Social Committee Coordinator, Women’s Activities Coordinator, and Education and Community Development Coordinator

B. These officers shall be appointed as follows: i. The ICRM officers are nominated by the Shura Council of ICRM as detailed below ii. The nominated ICRM officers are then ratified by the General Assembly.

C. Any officer of the Executive Committee of ICRM may be removed by the Shura Council of ICRM, if:

i.Charges of negligence of their responsibilities, or

ii. A direct violation of the Constitution, or

iii.Gross misuse or misappropriation of funds, or

iv. Repeated unexcused absences from the Executive Committee meetings, or12

v.Blatant damage to the existence or interest of the ICRM by the actions of the individual officer are proven to be true to the satisfaction of a majority of Shura Council members.


 Section 3: Responsibilities of the Officers

The Officers of the ICRM Executive Committee will perform their respective duties under the supervision of the President, following the strategic vision laid out by the Shura Council. New initiatives may be proposed by the Executive Committee to the Shura Council, who may amend and then approve these initiatives.

A. The President shall:

i.Be the Executive Officer who in general shall supervise all the daily affairs of the ICRM.

ii.Assign responsibilities, and assist in developing the annual budget reports of other committee members at the beginning the new term, and help compile annual reports, and financial statements at the completion of the term.

iii. Be the representative and spokesperson of the Executive Committee in the General Assembly meetings or any activity related to the objectives of the Executive Committee. iv. Call and preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee of ICRM.

iv.Attend the meetings of and report to the Shura Council.

B. The Secretary shall

i.Handle and keep records of all official correspondence and take the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee.

ii.Submit to the Executive Committee the secretarial annual reports before each of the two ICRM General Assembly meetings.


C. The IT Coordinator shall:

i.Handle all information technology related matters of ICRM including but not limited to ICRM website, security system, audio systems, computers, and office electronics

D. The Treasurer shall:

i.Be responsible for all the financial transactions of ICRM. He/she shall be responsible for managing ICRM bank accounts, donations, ICRM bills and payments.

ii.Submit the required financial reports of the ICRM to the Executive Committee two weeks before each of the two regular General Assembly meetings. He shall consult with the President of the ICRM before issuing checks on behalf of ICRM.

E. The Property Manager shall:

i.Be responsible for the day to day operation of the ICRM. He/she shall make sure that the building is clean and tidy at all times and shall be responsible for opening and closing of the building.

ii.Be responsible for any maintenance of the ICRM buildings.

iii. Submit an activity report to the Executive Committee two weeks before each of the two regular General Assembly meetings.

F. The Da’wah Coordinator shall:

i. Be responsible for forming the Da’wah Committee and coordinating all the Da’wah Committee activities, mentioned later in these By-Laws.

ii. Submit an activity report to the Executive Committee two weeks before each of the two regular General Assembly meetings.

iii. Maintain the religious unity of the Rolla Muslim Community by respecting the diverse practices of the four Sunni Fiqh Schools.

G. Social Activities Coordinator shall:

i.Be responsible for forming the Social Committee and coordinating all the social committee activities elaborated later

ii. Submit an activity report to the Executive Committee two weeks before each of the two regular General Assembly meetings.

H. Women’s Activities Coordinator shall:

i.Coordinate the involvement of Muslim women in the various activities of the ICRM.

ii.Develop focused study circles (halaqaat) that fulfill the religious needs of Muslim women.

iii. Serve as the communication liaison on behalf of the Muslim women to the Executive Committee.

iv. Submit an activity report to the Executive Committee two weeks before each of the two regular General Assembly meetings.

L. Education and Community Development Coordinator shall:

i.Be responsible for the school in ICRM including the Qur’anic classes, youth classes, and any other classes or programs established within ICRM.

ii. Form a committee of members to oversee the development and functioning of the ICRM school/s.

iii. Submit an activity report to the Executive Committee two weeks before each of the two regular General Assembly meetings.


Article IV



 Section 1: Da’wah Committee

A. Structure: The Da’wah Committee shall consist of at least three registered members, including the Coordinator, who will select the remaining members. One of the committee members shall serve as a librarian.

B. Duties:

i. Organize the Islamic activities in the ICRM.

ii. Arrange for audio/visual aids on subjects related to Islam.

iii. Organize inter-faith discussions with other religious organizations and other general outreach efforts, in order to develop a better understanding of Islam in Rolla, Missouri. iv. Develop and maintain an up-to-date lending library that serves all members of ICRM15

iv. Arrange for Friday prayers speakers, prepare and distribute prayer schedules.

v. Advise the Shura Council on matters of a religious nature.


Section 2: Property Management Committee

A. Structure: The Property Management Committee shall consist of at least three registered members, including the Property Manager who will select additional members.

B. Duties:

i. Maintain ICRM building and its facilities, including procurement of cleaning supplies and consumables.

ii. Clean the ICRM buildings and be responsible for the closing and opening of the building.

iii. Fix and replace any mechanical, electrical and/or plumbing issues in the ICRM buildings.

iv. Responsible for reservation of ICRM facilities. v. Coordinate with the Social committee to ensure successful conduct of ICRM events.


Section 3: Social Committee

A. Structure: The Social Committee shall consist of at least three registered members, including the Coordinator who will select the other members.

B. Duties:

i. Organize and supervise Ramadan Iftars and Eid celebrations

ii. Organize dinners and picnics including end of semester and graduation celebrations.

iii. Organize sporting activities and other friendly competitions

iv. Organize other social activities that promote unity.


Section 4: Education and Community Development Committee

A. Structure: The Education and Community Development Committee shall consist of at least three registered members, including the Coordinator who will select the remaining members.

B. Duties:16

i. Facilitate the smooth functioning of the ICRM School and classes.

ii. Establish seminars and lecture series

iii. Organize any other educational activities.


Section 5: Special Committee

 If needed, ICRM Executive Committee may form any additional committees.


Article V



After discussion with the Shura Council and ICRM Executive Committee, a decision may be challenged and appealed by any registered member of the ICRM. At-least fifty percent of the registered members need to sign a petition, calling a special meeting of the General Assembly to discuss the issue, within a maximum time of two weeks. To amend/nullify the original Shura Council decision, a two—thirds majority of the registered members attending the Special General Assembly will need to approve. All officers and members shall abide by the decision made at the Special General Assembly meeting


Article VI



 Section 1: General

A. The membership dues for the ICRM shall be US$25 per year for families and US$10 per year for singles. All renewal dues are payable before the meeting of the General Assembly in September.

B. All funds of the ICRM shall be deposited immediately to the credit of ICRM in designated local bank(s).

C. Funds shall be expended for the purposes they were donated, collected, and/or appropriated. Donations accepted for unspecified purposes shall be appropriated by the Executive Committee as they deem appropriate.

D. In case of any unspecified donation in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000); the Shura Council shall be informed before the use of that donation.

E. All checks/debit cards issued in the name of the ICRM shall be signed by the Treasurer of the ICRM. Expenditures in excess of one thousand dollars ($1000) should be approved by the President.

F. ICRM shall maintain specified bank accounts in a local branch. Any new accounts need to be approved by the Shura Council and can be operated by the Executive Committee.

G. The fiscal year of the ICRM shall be from September 1st to August 31st.


Section 2: Budget

A. The new ICRM Secretary/IT coordinator, Property Manager, Da’wah, Social Committee and Women’s Activities Coordinators shall submit to the Shura Council a proposed budget for the ensuing fiscal period setting forth in detail, for all operating funds, the estimated revenues and expenditures.

B. A detailed template will be provided to the Executive Committee members at the beginning of each term. The proposed expenditures from any fund shall not exceed the estimated revenue of that fund.

C. The Shura Council may disapprove any distinct item(s) in the proposed budget. The item(s) approved shall become the annual budget.


 Section 3: Audit Committee

A. An Audit committee shall be formed by the Shura Council annually. At least one of the audit committee members shall have the basic knowledge of accounting and auditing procedures.

B. The Audit Committee shall:

i. Have access at all times to the books and records of the ICRM.

ii. Systematically review and audit records and accounts of the ICRM on regular basis and submit periodical reports to the Shura Council.

iii. Review the financial statements submitted by the Executive Committee, prior to presentation before the General Assembly.


Section 4: Real Estate

Any acquisition and/or sale of any ICRM real estate shall be done by consent of the Shura Council, approved by three-fourths of the total registered members. NAIT will be kept informed of any acquisition or sales.


Article VII



Section 1: Election Supervision and Process

The Shura Council will supervise the election process for members interested in serving on the Executive Committee. The Shura Council will proactively seek and identify energetic, qualified candidates for the different positions in the Executive Committee. All ICRM registered members who meet established criteria will be encouraged to submit their nominations to the Shura Council at by the third Friday of September of each year.


Section 2: Nominations

The Shura Council will review each nomination, and determine if the applicant can fulfill the executive committee role to which he/she is applying. Applicants may be redirected to a different position if their qualifications are more suitable for that position. The Shura Council will present this list of nominees for approval to the General Assembly. If there is more than one suitable candidate for a given position, an election will be conducted by the Shura Council. Each candidate will present him/herself to the General Assembly, who will vote via secret ballot. The Shura Council will oversee this process, ensuring a fair election


Section 3: Qualified Members

In the event of an inability to find qualified members to fulfill any Executive Committee positions, the Shura Council may appoint one or more of its members to serve on the Executive Committee until suitable person are found.


Section 4: Criteria for ICRM Executive Committee Candidates

The Shura Council will seek upstanding members of the Rolla Muslim Community, who are expected to reside in the area for at-least a year, for Executive Committee positions. Candidates will be expected to function well within a diverse multi-cultural environment, recognizing the diversity of the Rolla Muslim Community. They should be able to volunteer their time to fulfill their 19 assigned role in the Executive Committee, and be able to attend meetings of the Executive Committee regularly.


Article VIII




 Section 1:

A. Amendments to the Constitution/By-Laws may be suggested by the Shura Council. Other registered members of the ICRM requesting any amendments shall submit them in writing to the Shura Council, with a petition signed by fifty percent of registered members.

B. The Shura Council will present the proposed amendments to the General Assembly during either the regularly scheduled or special meetings. A simple majority of registered members is required for approval.


 June 23rd , 2012



© 2024 Islamic Center of Rolla Missouri                Email:             Address: 1302 N Elm St, Rolla, MO 65401

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